Still, despite all this positivity, you can guarantee I’ll continue to get in a quandary with this stuff, and forget what I’ve learnt here today. But not to worry. It’s kind of like learning a foreign language, and there’s nothing more foreign than the strange, alien world of feelings. I now understand why I used to like Mr Spock so much. Now there was a man after my own heart. Or mind.
26 March 2014
E = Motion
I’m really hopeless at feelings - recognising when I’m having them; identifying them; experiencing them; dealing with them; talking about them. And yet, for a very long time, I thought I was really good at most of this stuff (bar the dealing with them bit), having made an extensive study of the whole subject, as part of my AA recovery experience.
What I’m actually really good at, exceptionally so, is avoiding or ignoring them; misidentifying them; obsessing about them; and analysing them. All whilst missing the point completely. It’s a gift. And I think it may be terminal.
Having been surrounded and immersed in the whole subject of emotions, human behaviour, psychology, and the like since first entering the world of AA 12 Step recovery twenty-six years ago, I naturally assumed that I’d acquired more than a modicum of self-awareness, and self-knowledge. I am far from a novice. And yet ironically, despite all of that time spent in the relentless obsession and pursuit of furthering my understanding of the human condition, I’m almost as hopeless now as I was back at the beginning.
Thankfully I now understand why - lack of self-awareness is a character trait of many people with autism. I’m one of them. And it’s okay. I’ve finally accepted that my attempts at self-analysis just leave me tied up in knots, especially as I never know when to stop. So I can give it up. I don’t have to understand everything in the universe (much as I may think I need to, in order to feel safe, and not be caught off guard. As if that ever worked).
But I’m still left with the difficulty of simply recognising when something’s going on with me, despite the fact that I display certain signs via my behaviour, kind of like flashing emergency lights that are trying to get my attention: “WARNING!! WARNING!! YOU ARE NOW ENTERING A FEELING ZONE!!! SLOW DOWN!!!”
But do I notice them? Nope, absolutely not - probably ‘cos I’m too busy speeding along, in an unconscious attempt to escape them. And nor does it matter that I consistently manifest the same signs, at regular and frequent intervals - I still remain totally oblivious. My best friend, however, does not. She recognises them, and what they mean - which is a bloody good thing, otherwise I’d never have acquired even the minuscule amount of self-awareness which I do have, without her input.
It’s as if I operate at such a deep level of unconsciousness, almost tantamount to being in a black hole, that I just never, or rarely, make the connection between my behaviour (which is the outward sign), and the feelings that are instigating it. I fail to get just how powerful emotions are, and how everything in us is linked - there’s a symbiotic dance occurring within each human being, and nothing occurs in isolation, for no reason. We are our own individual little universes, and what goes on within our worlds mirrors the greater universe outside of us.
Unfortunately, it’s like I compartmentalise everything to such a degree that I can’t see the links (as I am wont to do in my misguided attempts at trying to simplify things). Plus, I find the whole concept of feelings to be rather on the abstract side, probably because I’ve spent most of my time attempting to understand them (in an effort to control them), rather than learning to recognise, identify, accept, and deal with them. So, separating them out from my behaviour removes the concrete evidence of their existence, and turns them into an abstract puzzle. And I don’t do abstract either, which leaves me in a bit of bind - floating in that black hole I mentioned earlier.
Asking questions like, “How do you ‘have’ your feelings?”, “What do you ‘do’ with them?”, “How do you ‘own’ them?”, or “Where do you feel them - in your head, your body, your heart?” is, I’ve discovered, rather a fruitless task because there appears to be no definitive answer. This line of questioning simply feeds my preponderance towards obsessive analysis of the minutiae. In short, it keeps me in my head, and doesn’t produce any result, other than a headache and overwhelming feeling of tiredness from thinking too much.
The ‘right’ question to ask (ie the one which would produce a more positive outcome, and which might create a change) would be, “How do I recognise, and deal with, my feelings?” This is an action question. Which is probably why I forget to ask it ‘cos, along with not ‘doing’ feelings very well, I don’t do action - I do thinking. I have spent a large proportion of my life attempting to think myself into action, think myself out of feeling, think myself into being a different person. And I wondered why nothing ever changed.
In the past I’ve dealt with my emotions by basically not dealing with them: instead I’ve used alcohol, food, medication, the internet, television, reading, sleep, self-analysis, and obsessions as the means with which to deal with life in general. And the feelings themselves have become the ‘reasons’ (unconscious or otherwise) for my negative behaviour. I’ve also found it easier to simply read about other peoples’, or watch them on tv, and ‘borrow’ theirs, having made one of my erroneous attempts at identifying myself with someone else. Unfortunately, this is something else at which I am hopeless, so I usually come away with a confused identity which is not my own. I probably resemble an abstract painting.
Since being diagnosed with Asperger’s and ADHD, and recognising that my wiring affects the level of self-awareness I am able to attain, I have gradually been able to let go more and more of that driving need to understand myself and the rest of the human race. I’ve discovered that it isn’t necessary in order for me to be happy. And it was mostly about control anyway - my misguided belief being that if I understood everything then I could manage it, and that would relieve me of all those negative emotions and behaviours, and my anxiety. See - trying to think myself well.
There is, however, one feeling that I do recognise, but which, ironically, I have failed to identify as being a feeling, until today - restlessness. I experience it a lot, probably as a consequence of having ADHD. And therein lies the problem. I have come to associate it as being intrinsically a part of ADHD, compartmentalising it as being merely an identifying ‘symptom’ of that condition, that I have failed to recognise it as a feeling at all. And yet I describe myself as “feeling restless”. How can a person miss something so bleeding obvious?! Well, they can, and I have. I have a knack for it.
So today I’m attempting to deal with my restlessness, and any other feelings I might be experiencing, in a different, more productive, and positive way by writing about them on here. They have served a purpose. And I feel calmer as a result. It’s kind of like the act of writing grounds and focuses me, which is the opposite to how restlessness makes me feel - flighty, disconnected, up in the air, spacey, lacking focus and direction. And my usual solution, which is to give my mind leave to wander and remain unfocused on the internet, compounds the problem ‘cos it seems I’m using like with like, as it were. Like pouring more oil on an oil slick.
02 March 2014
Deconstructing God
“Now the supreme irony here is that you have all placed so much importance on the Word of God, and so little on the experience.
In fact, you place so little value on experience that when what you experience of God differs from what you’ve heard of God, you automatically discard the experience and own the words, when it should be just the other way around.” From ‘Conversations With God’, by Neale Donald Walsch
Who is God? What is God? Where is God? What do you think God looks like? Does your God have another name, or names, by which you call Him/Her/It? Do you call God “Lord” or “Father”? If you do believe in God, or a God, whose God is it in which you believe? And what do you mean when you say that you believe? What is it that you believe about God?
Do you believe that God is a person, who looks rather like Santa Claus, and lives up in the heavens, looking down on us all, out of reach, out of touch, and only to be contacted in emergencies, or at specific times (i.e. does He/She keep certain ‘office’ hours - no praying except on Sundays, at Christmas, Easter, Lent, etc, dependent on the dictates of whichever religion to which you belong), and in specific places (are churches and other religious buildings God’s offices)?
Or, if you do pray any other time, do you not expect a direct ‘answer’, because you believe that you’ll have to wait in line while S/He gets to your request, and until the next available interpreter has time to speak to you on His behalf (your local priest, vicar, the pope, etc - ‘cos, let’s face it, you know God’s not going to talk to you directly because you’re too far down the ladder of sin for Her/Him to bother with, or to expect to be able to understand what S/He’s trying to communicate to you)?
Or do you have a more abstract concept, that God is energy, and, as such, is contained within everything, and around everything - is everything, and nothing; the beginning, middle, end, and everything in between? And, if so, how’s that working out for you when it comes to the question of praying to, or communicating with, It/Him/Her?
And what does the word pray mean to you? How do you do it, if, indeed, you do? Do you pray out loud, or in an awe-struck whisper, ‘cos you don’t want to disturb or upset Him/Her? Do you include a lot of grovelling and pleading, apologies and thanks for Her/Him having taken the time out of His busy schedule to notice you for the scant amount few minutes that you’ve dared to attempt to communicate with Her - a schedule which includes running the world and doing much more important things than bothering with you (not that you aren’t part of the world, of course, but we neglect to recognise that fact)?
Do you recite set prayers that you’ve learnt because you think that’s the ‘proper’ way to talk to God, and S/He’ll not respond otherwise? Do you get down on your knees, even if your knees are knackered and it causes you pain? Do you put your hands together in a prayer position, and bow your head, and close your eyes? Or, if you believe in the universal energy concept, do you focus on the breath, imagining it as God’s energy entering into you?
Do you believe that God is punishing? Why?
Do you believe that God is male? Why?
Do you believe that Jesus is God? Why?
Do you think that you have to join, or ally yourself with, a religious or spiritual group, thereby identifying yourself with a label (be it Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Mormon, Spiritualist, Pagan, etc) in order for your faith to be considered real? Why?
Do you think you have to be good, prove yourself worthy enough, before you can have a relationship with God, or ask for help? Why?
Do you believe that God ‘wrote’, or dictated to His/Her special people, the words in the Bible, the Torah, the Qur’an, the Vedas, etc, and that what’s in there is therefore The Truth - definitive, literal, unimpeachable, undeniable, irrevocable, immutable? Why?
Do you believe that people who have studied the Bible, or other religious/spiritual texts, understand God better than you, and are therefore closer to Her/Him? Why?
Do you believe there can only be one ‘right’ way to believe? Why?
Do you believe that there are only a chosen few, to whom God imparts spiritual knowledge and wisdom, in order that they might lead the rest? Why?
Do you think that God chooses sides? Why?
Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions? If you believe any of this stuff, and do any of this stuff, have you asked yourself why? And, if not, why not? Do you believe that you are not allowed to question God, or the idea of God, but simply obey? Why? Who is it you are obeying? God? Or another person, who is speaking on behalf of God, and perhaps tells you that God will be angry if you don’t do as you’re told? Why?
For myself, most of my beliefs about God came from the mainly unconscious absorption of other peoples’ ideas, which were mostly christian in nature, and negative (so I associated God with my dad, most likely as the result of having taken very literally the christian reference to God as “Our Father”: and believed for a long time that they were somehow in cahoots, and that if I did anything remotely ‘wrong’ (like utter a swearword, even a mild one like “bloody”) then my dad would somehow find out from God, and I’d be in trouble.
So I spent a great deal of time apologising to this God, whom I didn't understand, for every misdemeanour, no matter how minor. And in my confused mind they became irrevocably linked, which meant that everything my dad was, God was - moody, hypercritical, demanding, inconsistent, gloomy, etc).
I have no conscious memory of how, or from where, I picked up these ideas (much like most of what I absorb); I wasn’t raised in a religious household, and my sole exposure to religion came from school. And yet the only thing I can really remember about them is the dreaded, once a month hymn practice each class had to endure in infant and junior school - having to sit still on a hardwood floor for an extended length of time (which seemed like an eternity to a restless child with the extra burden of unrecognised ADHD), and practice singing the same hymns repeatedly until we got them ‘right’. Is it any wonder I equated God with punishment? That’s how it felt, having to endure this torment.
Do you believe that Jesus is God? Why?
And, seemingly, the world around me is in agreement, because there is so much evidence put forth to support the negative view of God and faith. I wonder why that is? Why do I, we, find it so much easier to see what’s bad in the world? Whatever the reason, the change began for me when I learnt that God/faith and religion are two separate things. God did not make religion, man did. And all the crap associated with it is man-made. What an astoundingly simple idea, and yet it has produced such miraculous results. God is not my Father after all. What a relief!
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Snow Leopard

An experiment in watercolour and gouache
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"Do you believe in Magic?" asked Colin.
"That I do, lad," she answered. "I never knowed it by that name, but what does th' name matter? I warrant they call it a different name i' France an' a different one i' Germany. Th' same thing as set th' seeds swellin' an' th' sun shinin' made thee well lad an' it's th' Good Thing. It isn't like us poor fools as think it matters if us is called out of our names. Th' Big Good Thing doesn't stop to worrit, bless thee. It goes on makin' worlds by th' million - worlds like us. Never thee stop believin' in th' Big Good Thing an' knowin' th' world's full of it - an call it what tha' likes. Eh! lad, lad - what's names to th' Joy Maker."
From 'The Secret Garden', by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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"There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way."
The Dalai Lama
"If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything."
Malcolm X
On The Prowl

Watercolour tiger
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"What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step."
"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind."
C S Lewis